How do I download the Nourishly App and share my food tracking with the Oshi Health Team?

Step 1:  Download the Nourishly App from the App Store or Google Play and type the link code provided to you by your dietitian into the Clinician Connect section of the app. Refer to your After Visit Summary to access your dietitian’s link code.

Download iPhone App
Download Android App

Step 2: Create an account. Creating an account is necessary to share your information with your care team.

Step 3: Connect with your Oshi Health care team.

Step 4: Please enter your dietitian’s link code to make sure that your account is properly connected with your provider. Your dietitian’s link code can be found in your After Visit Summary located in the Oshi Health app. 

Step 5: Begin food tracking with your Oshi Health dietitian

How will my tracking information be used to enhance my care? 

To provide optimal recommendations for your symptoms and personal health and wellness, the care team would like you to regularly track your symptoms, diet, and lifestyle. Your tracking information will only be used to assess your condition and to provide you with care recommendations. Your Registered Dietitian will view your tracking information regularly to stay up-to-date with your progress and to adjust your management recommendations if need be.

This information will not be shared externally

What does my care team expect me to track?


We would like you to track: (1) portion sizes; (2) ingredients; (3) and the time at which you consumed the following: 

  • Meals 
  • Snacks
  • Drinks

Individual meal ingredients, along with portion sizes of each ingredient can significantly impact the assessment your team makes. 


For your symptoms, we would like you to track: (1) which symptoms you’ve experienced; (2) what time you experienced these symptoms; (3) and the level of severity of your symptoms. Symptoms that should be logged include: 

  • Bloating/Distension
  • Upper Abdominal Pain 
  • Lower Abdominal Pain 
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Stool Urgency 
  • Gas: Burping 
  • Gas: Flatulence 
  • Heartburn
  • Difficulty Swallowing 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Other

Bowel Movements

  • Number of Movements
  • Type 
  • Color
  • Blood in Stool  
  • Urgency 


For lifestyle behaviors, we would like you to track: (1) the time of these events; and (2) the duration (for medication, supplements and/or alternative therapies, please include the dosage when appropriate) 

  • Sleep (including naps) 
  • Physical Activity (including intensity) 
  • Stress and/or Stressful Events
  • Treatments/ Medication / Supplements 

How often should I track? 

Your care team would love to see you tracking daily as the consistent information will provide them with a much more comprehensive and accurate picture of how your body is responding to your diet and lifestyle behavior and whether or not the recommendations they are providing are appropriately working for you. 

Ideally, we would prefer if you could track throughout the day (meals, bowel movements, exercise, etc.), but we understand that tracking can be tedious and time consuming. At the least, we ask that you try to track daily. 

How much detail should I track?

We know everyone tracks differently. We encourage you to be as detailed as possible!

Please note: While your dietitian will use your logs to improve the quality of care we deliver, your food & symptom logs may not be viewed on a daily basis.

Nourishly should not be relied on as a primary means of communicating any new, serious or non-GI related symptoms. If you experience any change in GI symptoms, please chat your care team in the Oshi Health app, or call 646-876-8455 to report urgent or worsening GI symptoms. If this is a medical emergency, dial 911.